Saturday, November 3, 2012

Please Save The Potato Shop

We are big fans here at T3 of our friends at The Potato Shop, which is positively the BEST place to buy farm fresh potatoes here in Tenterden, with more varieties than you can shake a stick at.

We're deeply perturbed to learn about a proposal to limit access to their shop by their neighbour Mr. Wilkins. He's tried to limit access to the shop before, without success. Now he's at it again, wanting to put it a big electronic gate on the access road.

Read all about it here on Tenterden Town Forum:

Please go to the site and submit your objection to this proposal which would effectively kill off a valuable local business. Go to and enter 01102 in the "application number" and press "search" [make sure "Case year" is "12"]

If you can make the trip, go to the shop itself and say hi to the lovely Nicki, and sign their petition!

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